If you’ve ever found yourself in a romantic relationship, you’ve probably found yourself asking if this is something that’s going to lead to something more serious or if it’s just a fling. The older you get, the more serious relationships seem to get; as does life in general. That’s probably because you’re dating older women as the older that you get. But if you only date 21 year olds all the time, you’ll probably notice the maturity level of each relationship being about the same. So you probably have to start by asking yourself, “What am I looking for out of this relationship?” Whatever the answer is, chances is you’ll never find a female to meet 100% of all of those wants. No one is perfect, but that’s why renting a girlfriend is the best of both worlds. You can literally hand pick the girl you want and leave at any time without any hurt feelings on either end. Want more than one girlfriend? That’s not a problem either. Dating is so archaic. Renting is the future of everything.